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#BumpDay 2023
#BumpDay 2023 will focus on disparities in care in the U.S. and globally. Our partner,, will once again harness the reach and power of its community of over 20 million moms to engage and activate in this critical advocacy campaign. On July 19th, partners and participants from around the world will join together in posting photos of their bump or a bump they love (current or past) and share messages of support for their mom sisters, as well as their own stories. This year moms will also be encouraged to use #BumpDay as a day of action – to call their members of Congress and ask for the healthcare every mom deserves by passing the Momnibus Act (H.R. 3305/S. 1606).
Every year, about 700 women die from complications of pregnancy, with a disproportionate number of them being women of color. Over 60% of those deaths are preventable. Pregnancy-related deaths and complications can occur during pregnancy, at delivery, and postpartum (CDC, 2019). There are vast disparities in care based on where a mom lives, her ability to pay and the color of her skin. Access to responsive, culturally sensitive, skilled care before, during, and after childbirth can save the lives of women and their newborns.
Doula: A trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible (Dona International, 2022).
#BumpDay 2022
#BumpDay 2022 will focus on disparities in care in the U.S. and globally. Our partner,, will once again harness the reach and power of its community of over 20 million moms to engage and activate in this critical advocacy campaign. On July 20, partners and participants from around the world will join together in posting photos of their bump or a bump they love (current or past). They will also share messages of support for their mom sisters, as well as their own stories.